Shadowgun War Games: il titolo è in arrivo nei prossimi mesi su Nintendo Switch

Poche ore fa è emerso l’arrivo di Shadowgun War Games, un nuovo titolo indipendente disponibile prossimamente anche su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo first person shooter competitivo di Madfinger Games, sarà disponibile nei prossimi mesi anche sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare l’annuncio su Twitter in calce all’articolo.

Think war never changes? Think again! Become a part of Shadowgun War Games, the next chapter in the ever-growing, award-winning Shadowgun universe. Shadowgun War Games is a fast-paced mobile multiplayer FPS that requires tactical thinking and quick reflexes.

Choose from a variety of heroes and utilize their unique abilities to dominate the battlefield! Use your skill, work with your team, and achieve victory! So what are you waiting for? Sign up for the closed Beta and newsletter right now!

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